10 diciembre, 2008

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Hace tanto q los redactaron, ps si, el 10 de Diciembre d 1948 en el palacio de Chaillot en la ciudad d Paris, en FRANCIA se redactó el documento más traducido al rededor del mundo... Lastimosamente este documento fue escrito a raíz d la segunda guerra mundial, pq no una iniciativa del pensamiento y la creatividad de la paz d algún pensante???

No se si ud mi querido lector los tenga presentes, pero me parece importante q siempre en su actuar los tenga presente y así día tras día este planeta va siendo cada vez mejor...

Es q si tan solo se cumplieran al menos el 50% de estos derechos, mi país sería el paraiso!!!

Every man, woman & child on earth is born FREE and EQUAL in dignity and rights, we are brothers and sisters of this world... We have reason and conscience and should be friendly twoards one another...  Everyone is entitled to the rights set forth in The Universal declaration of human rights... Regardless of age, sex, race, religion, politics, color, nationality,  wealth, language, beliefs, birthplace, traditions, economics, weight, skin, style, thoughts, feeling, hairstyle, differences, size, lifestyle, height, preference, orientation... ... ... ... ... ... ...

You have the right to live in A FREEDOM AND SAFETY ... Nobody has the right to treat you as their SLAVE or TORTURE YOU... ( y aunq parezca mentira:) THE LAW IS THE SAME FOR EVERYONE, you have the right to legal protection,  you have the right to a fair and public trial.

NO ONE shall be arrested, put in a jail or EXILED without GOOD REASON... You are innocent until proven guilty... You have the right to PRIVACY, to move throught the WORLD (y me pregunto entonces PARA QUE EL PASAPORTE? O LAS VISAS?), to enjoy FREEDOM from persecution in other countries... You have the right to a nationality... You have the right to marry and have a FAMILY, your GOVERNMENT SHOULD PROTECT YOUR FAMILY... you have the right to own property and possessions...

YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO THINK WHAT YOU WANT AND SAY WHAT YOU LIKE, to practice  your religion freely and organize PEACEFULLY... You have the right to take part in your country's political affairs, Goverments should be voted for regularly and all votes are equal...

The society in which  you live should help you to develop, You have the right to  WORK an to A FAIR SALARY, each work day should not be too long, you have the right to expect a decent standard of  living, you have the right to go to SCHOOL, the education should strive to promote peace and understanding among all people, you have the right  to share in your community's arts and sciences...

you must respect the social order that is  necessary for these rights to be available you must respect the rights of others the community and public property... Nobody shall attempt in any way to destroy the rights set  forth in the universal declaration of human rights...

1 comentario:

  1. y parece que no se hubiera declarado nunca!!! En Colombia hay partes donde esto es una utopía
